Terms and Conditions of on-line prize contest »Choose your experience« - Portorož - Piran
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Find the right accommodation & experience that suit your needs. Experience Portorož and Piran in a unique way.




Article 1: ORGANIZER

Organizer of "Choose yourexperience" prize contest (hereinafter: prize contest) is Turistično združenje Portorož (Tourist Board Portorož) , g.i.z., Obala 16, 6320 Portorož (hereinafter referred to as organizer).

The organizer will run the prize contest together with the co-organizer (April 8, digitalna agencija, d.o.o.,, d.o.o, Šmartinska cesta 152, 1000 Ljubljana), which organizes the draw and the announcement of the prize winners.

Article 2: PURPOSE

The organizer publishes this prize contest for the purpose of promoting a new tourist offer - packages of experiences.


It is possible to participate in this prize contest from  August 20th, 2018 to  September 24th,  till  24 h, on the website www.portoroz.si

Users who will participate in this prize contest after the prize period deadline will not be included in the prize draw.

A participant in this prize contest can be any natural person who chooses between two randomly proposed experiences on the website, enters the required data in the prize contest form and then successfully submits it. Only forms containing all required data will be included in the draw.
User’s nationality is not specified in any of the terms and conditions for participation.

Participation limitations:

  •  Employees and external contractors of this prize contest organizer and co-organizer or their immediate family members cannot participate in this contest.


Participants can withdraw their participation in the prize contest at any time during its duration by sending a message to e-mail address: info@portoroz.si. After the message is received, the participant is excluded from the prize contest.


Among all those who will fulfill the conditions for participation in this prize contest (as defined in Article 3), 16 winners will be drawn and will receive the prizes defined in Article 7 of these Terms and Conditions.

The draw of winners will be carried out electronically once a week during the duration of the prize contest, winners will be published on the prize contest website within 3 days (with name, surname and place of residence) and notified by e-mail to the e-mail address they provided at the time of registration.

Draw of winners is done using a computer system with a random algorithm, which draws prize winners from the set of the entire crowd of participants. The president of the commission prepares a report containing the list of prize-winners. The report must be approved and signed by all members of the commission. The report will be saved and kept for one year at the co-organizer’s address.

Weekly prize draw dates:
1st weekly draw: August 28th ,2018
2nd weekly draw: September 4th,2018
3rd weekly draw: September 11th,2018
4th weekly draw: September 18th, 2018
5th weekly draw: September 25th ,2018

Final draw date: September 25th, 2018

All winners expressly authorize the publication of their names, surnames and photographs from the eventual prize award on the organizer's website, Facebook pages or in any other media and social networks, for which they will not demand any payment or compensation from the organizer. At the same time winners waive their right to review, approve, oppose any use of the material, editorial choice or appearance of the material.


The Commission for the supervision of the prize draws consists of

  • Petra Rebec (Turistično združenje Portorož, g.i.z.) - chair of the commission
  • Fredi Fontanot (Turistično združenje Portorož, g.i.z.) - member of the Commission
  • Bojana Sever (April 8 d.o.o.) - member of the Commission

7. člen: PRIZES

Participants in the prize contest compete in weekly prize draws for:
- 15 x 1 selected experience worth up to € 42 
In the final draw, the main prize will be:
- 1x 1  A weekend of special experiences - Taste and experience Piran countryside (Friday - Sunday) in Padna Istrian houses for 2 persons with included local experiences (typical breakfast “Padenska košarica”, guided tour of  Padna, bicycle rental, visit of Gramona farm and Sečovlje Salt-pans, wine tasting at Mahnič Farm in Dragonja).


In order to receive the prize, the winner, after the organizer’s written request, must send him the following personal data by e-mail:
Name, surname and address (where he wishes to receive the prize). For the purpose of getting informed about the collection of prizes, the winner also sends a contact telephone number.

If the winner doesn’t provide all the necessary data within eight days after the date of the written request, he will lose the right to the prize and will not be entitled to any compensation. In this case, the organizer is free of all obligations towards this prize winner and the prize remains unawarded.

The winners will receive the prize in the form of a gift certificate by post to the provided address within 15 days after all the required data are received.

In order to receive the prize, persons under the age of 18 must submit a written consent from their parents or legal guardians together with the submission of data.

If the winner declines the prize, it is considered that he does not wish to receive it, and thus the organizer is free of all obligations in relation to such a winner and linked to this prize contest. At the same time, the organizer acquires the right to dispose of the prize for any other purpose.

Prizes cannot be exchanged or paid out in cash. The right to the prize cannot be transferred to a third party. The results are final and complaints cannot be made.


Since the value of the main prize exceeds € 42, the winner is obliged to provide personal data (copy of an identity card, telephone number, as well as his tax number and tax office).

In the event of inaccuracy of the provided personal data, it is considered that the winner is declining the prize

Advanced payment of personal income tax for the received prize is the payer’s obligation - the organizer of this prize contest.

The organizer will calculate and pay the advance payment of personal income tax in accordance with the regulations in force and deduct its amount from the prize.

 If the winner is not a resident of the Republic of Slovenia, income taxation is subject to the rules of international agreements on the avoidance of income double taxation. In this case, the winner will have to regulate the payment of the tax by himself.

All other expenses and charges associated with the use (e.g. payment of income tax on advance payment) are borne by the winner.


These Terms and Conditions are binding for the organizer and other persons who are in any way connected with the run of this prize contest and the issue of prizes and for participants who, by taking part in this prize contest, accept these rules and undertake to respect them. Terms and Conditions of this prize contest are fully available at www.portoroz.si during the duration of the contest. The commission, which appoints and authorizes the organizer’s legal service for individual opinions and other legal tasks, is responsible for the interpretation of individual articles of these Terms and Conditions.

In the event of a serious violation of these Terms and Conditions, the commission may terminate the prize contest in its entirety and repeat it with appropriate corrections.


In the event of violation of these Terms and Conditions by participants, the organizer reserves the right to exclude these persons from the prize contest without prior notice. Persons who use illegal devices (e.g. hacker tools, viruses, Trojans, etc.), fake e-mail addresses, or otherwise gain benefits through manipulation will be excluded. Persons taking part on behalf of third parties (with or without their knowledge) can also be excluded from the prize contest. Participation through contest and giveaway societies, automatic services and above all through prize contest professional services is not allowed.

In the event of exclusion from participation in this prize contest, it is possible to withdraw prizes from the prize-winner or demand back payouts or awarded prizes.


The organizer is not liable for any direct or indirect damage that would result from participation in this prize contest or if the server is unavailable, unless the organizer causes the damage intentionally, because of big negligence or with severe breach of contractual obligations. The organizer is not responsible for any technical errors, especially failures of network, electronics or computers.


The organizer reserves the right to cancel or terminate the prize contest at any time without prior notice warnings and without any explanation.  The organizer especially uses these options if for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulations or hardware and / or software malfunctions) or for legal reasons the correct running of the contest cannot be guaranteed. In case the prize contest is interrupted because of the participant’s violation, the organizer may request compensation from the participant who caused the damage.


The organizer and co-organizer will carefully protect personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/2007-UPB1), the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2007-UPB1, 110/2009) and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter GDPR).

According to GDPR, the personal data controller may process personal data if he obtains a personal individual consent, i.e.  a voluntary statement where the user declares that his personal data may be processed for a specific purpose. The user confirms it during his registration to the prize contest by pressing the button: SEND and by agreeing with the prize contest General Terms and Conditions.

The prize contest General Terms and Conditions include the following statement:

"I confirm that I am acquainted with the rules of the prize contest. I allow Turistično združenje Portorož to use my personal data for the purpose of carrying out this prize contest,

and agrees to receive at the end of the prize contest an email in which the organizer will thank him for his participation.
I can at any time withdraw my consent for processing personal data sending a written request  by e-mail to info@portoroz.si or by post to Turistično združenje Portorož , g.i.z., Obala 16, 6320 Portorož. The prize contest takes place from August 8th to September 24th  2018. "

The organizer, in his capacity of personal data controller, will use the participants’ personal data exclusively for the following purposes:

  • run of this prize contest in all respects
  • information of winners on the draw results and prize award
  • publication of winners on this prize contest website 

The organizer processes gathered personal data in accordance with the legislation in force in the field of personal data protection and allows access to such information only to those employees who have committed themselves to the relevant confidentiality obligations.

In any case, the organizer will not transfer or disclose personal data to third parties.

All data will be stored in the database of Turistično združenje Portorož and / or with  personal data contractual processors in accordance with the legal  deadline or until the participant withdraws his consent to the storage of his personal data.

The organizer will not transfer or process personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) without compliance with the Standard Data Protection Terms of Reference (or other similar Regulations which could be confirmed over time by the European Commission).

The winners’ tax numbers and tax offices are kept for 5 years from the prize award or as far as it is required by tax legislation.

The participant acknowledges that:

  • he can request access to his personal data
  • he can request correction of inaccurate personal data
  • he can request the erasure of his personal data (right to be forgotten) if the assumptions of Article 17 of the GDPR are fulfilled, in particular in the case of withdrawal of the consent given  for his personal data processing  for the purposes of this prize contest
  • he can require a limitation of personal data processing
  • he can request the free transfer of personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form
  • he can lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, if he thinks that personal data processing violates the General Data Protection Regulation
  • an individual can apply for the exercise of the rights referred to in the preceding paragraph or obtain additional information concerning personal data processing and protection with  an authorized data protection person via e-mail to info@portoroz.si or at the address of Turistično združenje Portorož , g.i.z., Obala 16, 6320 Portorož
  • an individual can file a complaint against personal data processing  that does not comply with these prize contest General Terms and Conditions with the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia


The contest organizer, Turistično združenje Portorož , g.i.z., Obala 16, 6320 Portorož, reserves the right to change the prize contest terms and conditions at any time, if there are content, commercial or technical reasons.

The organizer will keep participants informed about all changes and novelties with publications on the prize contest website.


Employees of Turistično združenje Portorož , g.i.z.  and their immediate family members, as well as other natural or legal persons involved in any way in the prize contest run cannot participate in this contest.

Terms and Conditions are binding for the organizer, all employees and other persons who are in any way connected with this prize contest and prize draw that are the subject of these Terms and Conditions and for the participants in the prize contest that agree with these regulations by confirming them.

Questions for additional information regarding this prize contest can be addressed to  e-mail address: info@portoroz.si.


These Terms and Conditions are available on the prize contest website.


All complaints and claims regarding the prize contest running are solved by the organizer. In the case of justified complaints the organizer undertakes to solve them in the shortest possible time informing the participant or, if necessary, other participants about his commitment.

The court in Ljubljana shall have jurisdiction in the event of disputes arising in connection with the prize draw.


The organizer undertakes to do everything in his power to run this prize contest correctly, liability does not include cases of force majeure. In the event of circumstances that cannot be influenced by the organizer (force majeure, logistical obstacles, technical problems), the organizer can terminate this prize contest. He must inform the participants about this. In such a case, he is not liable to the participants for the incurred damage. The organizer’s decision on all questions concerning this prize contest or the use of its Terms and Conditions is final and valid for all participants.


These Terms and Conditions will come into force on August 20 th , 2018.

Portorož, August 13th, 2018

Turistično združenje Portorož , g.i.z.