Adrenaline rush - Portorož - Piran
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Ex salt warehouse Grando


The salt warehouses of Monfort and Grando date from the first half of the 19th century. 

From a historical point of view, these warehouses were important for salt makers, since they would store their yearly harvest at the end of the salt collecting season. 

Today, the Grando warehouse serves as a special event venue for many local and international events - from concerts, congresses, promotional events, exhibitions, fairs, etc. 
The buildings are simply designed, but massive and imposing. They are characterized by 2.5 m thick walls and beams about 28 m long. Longer wooden beams which are positioned above them are made of a single piece wood, the longest ones in Slovenia. The building is almost 200 m long and is divided into four spans.

SPAN A: 44 x 22 meters, totaling 968 square meters, can accommodate up to 200 attendees.

SPAN B and C: 22 x 22 meterstotaling 484 square meters. Span B can accommodate up to 500 attendeesspan C is a separate space for logistical support.

SPAN D:  83 x 22 meterstotaling 1.826 square meters, can accommodate up to 2000 attendees.

In 2021, the Municipality of Piran restored and repaired the dilapidated roof and carried out some minor interventions in the interior of the halls.