One of the most interesting buildings on Tartini Square is Baroque House, which stands on the eastern side of the square. With its liveliness, rich design and the Baroque iron balcony railing, it creates a lively contrast to the classical architectural style of the nearby St. Peter Church.
Its main façade faces towards Tartini Square, where under its semi-circular vault on the ground floor Ulica Svobode ends.
The building was thoroughly rebuilt in the Baroque period, but undoubtedly has medieval foundations. Its main façade is designed in three floors. All the windows are of typical Baroque style with carefully executed stone frames and window ledges. The façade ends with three semi-circular arches. The southern façade also faces towards Tartini Square and is in design similar to the main façade. On the ground floor of the side wall are two larger arches, presumed to be medieval but modified later in history (located at Tartini Square No. 10).