Solinarski praznik ob prazniku Sv. Jurija - Portorož - Piran
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18th Saltpans Feast
The Saltpans Feast offers a unique journey to the past, dedicated to the 700-year-old tradition of salt production and the everyday life of past times.The feast recreates the everyday life of the past. Visitors will be able to learn many interesting and mysterious traditions of salt production, which is over 700 years old and has been a very important source of income for the whole town. On Tartini Square in Piran you can visit a fair dedicated to salt and other gifts of nature. Local societies, providers of culinary specialties and various artists will be on display at different locations. The fair will be complemented with a rich cultural programme including performances of folklore groups, musicians and presentations of a saltpan family. There will be workshops for children too.
23.4.2022 - 24.4.2022 ()
Tartini square, Piran
culinary event

SATURDAY, 23rd April

Fornače, Piran

08.00am–02.00pm: Fishing tournament from the shore (Org.: Društvo Oradela)

Tartini Square, Piran
09.00am–05.00pm: Salt worker's market: local art & craft & culinary products
09.00am–05.00pm: Antiques and handcrafted products market (Org.: Društvo Anbot Piran)
09.00am–05.00pm: Exhibition: 30 years of the Saltmaking museum (Org.: Marittime Museum Sergeja Mašere Piran, Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine OE Piran)
10.00am: Event opening - Vocal group Stu ledi
11.00am: Nika Solce – musical puppet show
03.30pm, 04.00pm: Music band  Vruja

Park next to the museum
10.00am–12.00pm: Salt and saltpans: the ancient tools and the wind rose (Org.: Marittime Museum Sergeja Mašere Piran)

SUNDAY, 24th April

Tartini Square
09.00am: Piran wind Orchestra
09.30am: Mixed choir Georgios; Traditional salter family, Procession toSt. George's church
10.30am: Folk dance group VAL Piran

St. George's Church
10.00am: Holy mass - Mixed choir Georgios

Pastoral and cultural centre Georgios 
11.00am: Piran wind Orchestra; Traditional salter family

Tartini Square
11.30am: Piran wind Orchestra; Traditional salter family

Fishermen pier
11.50am: Piran wind Orchestra; Traditional salter family
12.00pm: Buje Wind Orchestra, Historical boats parade  (Org.: Društvo ljubiteljev starih bark Piran); Modern boats show (Org.: JK Pirat)
01.00pm: Departure of the Salter family to the saltpans; Vocal group San Lorenzo

Tartini theatre

12.300pm: Il segreto dell'angelo di Pirano (film screening in Italian language)
02.00pm: Film screening in Slovenian language: Angelov dotik
06.00pm: Theatre play: L.A.Ž.N. Športni in mladinski center Piran, Gledališka skupina kEPIca 1, Saša Hudnik; Direction and adaptation: Lada Tancer; In Slovenian language (Org.: ZKD Piran, OI JSKD Piran, Avditorij Portorož – Portorose, Občina Piran)


1. Round panoramic tour with guided tour in Sečovlje salina nature park with boat Regina

Departure hours: Piran fishing pier–Sečovlje salina nature park
Saturday: 10.00am, 12.30pm, 03.00pm
Sunday: 10.00am, 12.30pm
The panoramic tour with guided tour of the park takes 2 hours. In case of bad weather the tour will be cancelled.

Adults: 18 €
Children from 3 to 12 years: 10 €
Children up to 2,99 years: free

Tickets will be on sale during the event at the Piran Saltpans stand on Tartini Square. The number of seats is limited.
(Org.: Soline d.o.o.)

2. Strunjan Landscape Park and Strunjan saltpans

Free tour of the visitor center of the Strunjan Nature Park (Strunjan 152)
Hours: 9.00–17.00 (Org.: Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan)

3. Salt worker's ticket
The ticket includes admission to:

  1. Sergej Masera Maritime Museum Piran
  2. Aquarium Piran
  3. Mediadom Pyrhani - cultural center and multimedia museum
  4. Piran lighthouse
  5. Ex salt warehouse Monfort – info center and exhibition center of Maritime Museum
  6. Tartini's house, Piran
  7. Magical World of Shells Museum, Piran (30% discount)

Adults: 7,5 €
Children up to 6,99 years: free
Tickets will be on sale during the event at the Maritime Museum stand on Tartini Square. 

 Org.: Avditorij Portorož – Portorose, Občina Piran, Skupnost Italijanov Giuseppe Tartini Piran, Turistično združenje Portorož, ZKD Piran, Mediadom Pyrhani, Društvo Anbot, Župnija sv. Jurija – Piran, Krajinski park Sečoveljske soline, Javni zavod Krajinski park Strunjan, Društvo meščanov mesta Piran.