Praznik vina in česna Nova vas - Portorož - Piran
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Wine and Garlic Feast in Nova vas
Traditional village fest
13.7.2024 - 14.7.2024 (04.00 pm - 10.30 pm)
Nova vas (village on the countryside of Piran)
culinary event

Welcome to Nova vas, a small and authentic village in the hinterland of Piran, and enjoy the typical local products. 

The festival offers plenty of excellent wine, Istrian red garlic and other culinary delicacies. The villagers will open their homesteads, showcase old customs and offer their wine, garlic and other homemade products.  Culinary workshops, guided tours of the village, church and the bell tower will be organized. 

Free bus rides will be available from Piran - Bernardin - Portorož - Lucija TPC - Sečovlje - Nova vas and back.
  • Main bus station Piran – Nova vas: 3.30 pm, 5.30 pm, 19.30 pm
  • Nova vas – Main bus station Piran: 4.45 pm, 6.45 pm, 11.00 pm

Saturday, 13 July 2024

16.00-21.00 Offer of domestic and local products at stands (courtyards locals and the square in front of the Cultural Center)
16.00 Chess tournament (Culture House)
16.00 Exhibition of art works by creative groups of the Piran Italian Community (Cultural home)
  • Presentation of garlic knitting and Istrian brunch
  • Presentation of the Anbot association (main stage)
  • Opening of the holiday, address by the president of the Local Community
  • Musical performance by the Vruja duo
  • giant ISTRIJANKA cake and sweet refošk
  • Children's run with special prizes
18:30 Musical performance by the VRUJA duo (village center)
18:30-19:30 Guided tour of the village museum
18:30-19:30 Guided tour of the bell tower and church
20:00-20:30 Musical performance by the duo VRUJA
20:30-22:30 Istrian dances (KUD Piran and Val Piran) concert of the SAN LORENZO klapa

Sunday, 14 July 2024

16.00-21.00 Offer of domestic and local products at stands (courtyards locals and the square in front of the cultural center)
16.00 CAN Exhibition (Culture House)
16:30-17:30 “ISTRIAN BRUNCH” presentation
17:00-18:00 visit to the museum and the church
17:00-18:00 playroom for children in nature
18:30-19:30 presentation of the film in the Istrian dialect “Je letrika killed the barbers”
20:00-20:30 Toast to the feast of wine and garlic, sparkling wine Capris-VINAKOPER (harmonica VAL PIRAN)
20:00-22:30 concert of the group SEMIKANTA and ŽAMETNE VRTNICE

Org.: Nova vas local community